Uniclip by Flam partners with Blueprint

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Uniclip by Flam, the creator of AI/AR-powered imaging solutions for the volume photography industry, announced studios can now sell personalized videos with a quick 5-minute integration on the Blueprint platform from ImageQuix. Uniclip by Flam, a custom tech development company based in San Francisco, is a strategic partner of the School Photographers of America (SPOA).

The company says the advantages to using the new video service are:

  1. Easy Integration – Integrating with Uniclip is a 5-minute process. Since they’re on Blueprint already, studios do not have to move out of the platform to integrate with us or use our products.
  2. Upselling – Studios can use the same photos to create and upsell these videos, boosting profit margin.
  3. Extended Product Inventory – With Uniclip’s videos, studios can now add a new product without additional work.

To partner with Uniclip, contact them at: [email protected] or book a meeting here.